Monday, November 1, 2010

Italian Fashion Question 1 - Boots

I have been blessed with the AMAZING opportunity to go abroad to Italy in the spring semester. It is only 3 months away so I am planning ahead and trying to figure out what to buy. I do not have a lot of winter clothes or clothes that would not make me look "American" so I am trying to build my wardrobe. Hopefully you can help me! I will be asking questions on my blog and if you know the answer do not hesitate to give me your best answer. I will greatly appreciate it!

Question 1: Is it true that Italian women often wear boots everywhere?

I heard that Italian women LIVE in boots. I love boots, so I am allll for buying a pair or two to walk in around the awesome streets of Roma. If this is true that it is a part of Italian style to wear boots PLEASE let me know. Here is a polyvore clip with many nice pairs that I have found. All under $100. Yay!

Here are links to the shoes above...
Heeled Boho Boot
$100 -
High heel shoes »

Restricted Siren
$70 -
High heel boots »

Charlotte Knee-High Boot
$58 -
High heel boots »

Santiago Strut Boot
$53 -
Ankle boots »

T.U.K. Women's A7815L Knee-High Boot
$70 -
Knee high heel boots »

Let me know what you think of the boots I found! Do you like to wear boots? Do you know anything about Italian or European fashion? Tell me! :)


  1. hmm. idk anything about italian women, but I sure love boots lol

  2. I don't know anything about European fashion but I do love me some boots. These are gorgeous!

  3. I'm from Italy, I come from milan, and i can tell you that it's true... Italian wemen wear boots really often! But honestly you shouldn't be too worried about your look, I'm sure you will look cute and stylish! xxx

  4. I never wear boots, looking at this I NEED A PAIR. ;)
    Thanks for the sweet sweet comment, lovely! I just did a new post too.
    Panda xo

  5. I <333333 those charlotte knee high boots!

    from what I hear about Italian women is that they dress to impress and always leave the house looking understated yet elegant. they wouldnt dream of being super casual like many Americans and wearing flip flops and such.

  6. I HATE my Cover Girl foundation, but it may be because I'm using the wrong line or formula, or because I've had it forever and it's gone bad. Which one do you use? One day, I may break down and buy the MAC, but you know how cheap I can be lol

  7. as soon as the weather gets cooler, i live in my boots! great picks here.

  8. i know little about their fashion but i love boots! why don't i own these?!?!


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